Pursuit of Joy

"The pursuit of "Happiness......"  Is that what life is really about?  Sorry TJ, happiness is a feeling that can change in a moment and pursuing it will end in dissatisfaction and emptiness. Of course, we want to be happy but happiness is a mere by-product of "Joy." Joy is the heart that pumps out streams of happiness yet keeps me satisfied when other not so happy emotions are pumped from other streams originating from the heart..  Happiness is fleeting but joy lasts a lifetime.  I frequently ask; how do I see myself, where is most of my time spent, what are my ulterior motives and what/who am I pursuing?  From one that's experienced every (well, most) emotions known to man, happiness is not my ultimate pursuit.  Trust me; pursue God and joy accompanied by deep satisfaction and contentment will follow....... regardless of your feelings.

I needed to remove my facades and quit being a fake.  Manipulating data in a "genuine and sincere" way for my own benefit.  Hell, we all manipulate for personal gain at various times in our lives.  Right?  That's what I thought.  I've lived  behind the mask to impress my suitors.  Why?  To get what I want which makes me "happy." Hidden hurts will arise at the time of their choosing and will eventually topple our pride. The mask will be shattered and you'll be brought to your knees. Yes, happiness will be experienced in great proportion for many of us.  But sadness, fear, loneliness, betrayal, anger, resentment, bitterness, defiance, rebellion, control, jealousy and envy will battle your soul for the right to squeeze out our happiness.  And at times they will win.  Sure, these negative emotions will visit on occasion and we'll answer the door and invite them in.  In these instances, we must let their visit be brief and their deadline for departure be executed at the proper time without hesitation. Procrastinating this tidbit of advice will result in engagement with these destructive feelings and the next thing you know their buddies are contacted and a soiree inside our minds gets scheduled.  Beware of the "punch" and cancel the soiree.  Pursuing God is the only way.

I recently read an article that expounded on the depth of Joy.  I'm adding it to my blog to provide you with greater insight. 
Joy is an essential spiritual practice growing out of faith, grace, gratitude, hope, and love. It is the pure and simple delight in being alive. Joy is our elated response to feelings of happiness, experiences of pleasure, and awareness of abundance. It is also the deep satisfaction we know when we are able to serve others and be glad for their good fortune. Invite joy into your life by staging celebrations. Host festivities to mark transitions and changes in your life. Toast moments of happiness you notice as you go through your day. Dance — jump for joy — as often as possible. Life is not meant to be endured; it is to be enjoyed.

Why This Practice May Be For You
We often talk about this spiritual practice in the same breath with its companions. We say joy and sorrow, happiness and sadness, smiles and tears, the ecstasy and the agony. The experience of one intensifies our awareness of the other. Sorrow, for example, may be the price we pay for joy; when we have known great happiness in a relationship, we feel its loss more deeply. Or think of those times when you laugh so hard you cry.  Joy will usually be part of a set of symptoms presenting in your life. The best protocol is to be thankful for the intensity of these feelings. When you are experiencing sorrow and sadness, when the tears are flowing, remember they can be stepping stones to joy.
Adios for now
