Brain War

It's been awhile since my last post.  I have been busy but that cliche' has gotten way too old. New things are happening and it begins in my mind.  To simplify, a positive attitude exhibiting faith draws you closer to your dreams.  A negative attitude rooted in fear takes you down a dark road.  Life really isn't that complex if you know how to think and research how your brain works.

I'll use 6-8% of my brain capacity during my life time here on earth.  Einstein used 10% of his and invented many things including the nuclear bomb.  So what happens to the unused  90%.  People have asked this question for thousands of years.  It's "the quest to find consciousness." Einstein knew where it was.  He quoted, "I want to know God's thoughts....the rest are details."

I believe 100% consciousness can only be obtained in Heaven or Hell.  In Heaven, faith will be complete!  The fruits of the Holy Spirit will be with me 100% of the time.  Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness and Self-Control will be the only emotions and thoughts I'll experience.  All of my questions will be answered.  It will be exhilarating, enlightening, fulfilling, unfathomable and so on. On the other hand, in Hell, fear will be in total control.  Heartache, Regret, Bitterness, Hatred, Rage and every other negative thought will fill your mind completely.  No hope or peace will ever come. I'm glad that's not my destination.

So what must I do to use 10% of my brain while on earth?  I must master my thoughts and bring my right brain into harmony with my left brain.  What?  this synchronicity will only occur when the positive prevails every second of my life.  Is it possible?  It is, but the impact will require much discipline.

Dr. Caroline Leaf, an expert on how the brain functions addressed how every single thought affects my actions and health.  She says, "Negative reinforcement releases negative chemicals.  Positive reinforcement releases positive chemicals."  According to the American Institute of Stress, between 75 to 90% of visits to primary-care physicians result from stress-related disorders.  That's staggering but on target.  At least for me it is.

In closing, remember that an attitude is a state of mind that produces a reaction in the body that results in a behavior.  Negative emotions evolve out of fear.  Positive emotions evolve out of faith.

Adios for now
